Peta Lokasi Public Teaching Jakarta 20-21 Desember 2014

  • December 8, 2014
“The Stages of The Path to Enlightenment”


by : Ven. Dagpo Lama Rinpoche Lobsang Jhampel Jhampa Gyatso


At : Prasadha Jinarakkhita
(One complex with Global Sevilla School)
Jl. Kembangan Raya Blok JJ, Kembangan selatan
Jakarta Barat


Saturday – Sunday, 20 – 21 December 2014
session 1 : 9:30 – 12:00 AM
session 2 : 2:30 – 16:30 PM


The public teaching will be in english & Bahasa Indonesia.


The Translation in English by FM radio, please bring your own FM device


For registration please contact members below :
Farida : Phone. +62 812 8436 0557
Cindy : SMS +62 856 9726 0445


Before 15 december 2014. Registration is needed for the amount of seat drink.


For participants that need accomodation (hotel) and transport during the event please contact Fanny +62 821 1585 4052 or


Ven. Dagpo Rinpoche will explain a renown Buddhist teaching tradition from Tibet, The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, which is a Mahayana tradition based on the text Liberation in Our Hand that was compiled by Pabongkha Rinpoche. It is part of the Lamrim Chen Mo tradition which in turn is the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment in the Gelugpa tradition based on Atisha’s Lamp of The Path to Enlightenment. Je Tsongkhapa composed the Great Treatise of The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment as commentaries and explanation of Atisha’s works. The Lamrim teaches what the Buddha taught in a systematic and progressive path fitted into the capacity and spiritual development of each person, describing the precise order in which spiritual qualities are to be developed so Three Principles of the Path, namely the renunciation to samsara, the spirit of enlightenment (the door to the Mahayana, and the wisdom of excellent view) arises in one. It also explains the good qualities that the bodhisattva must then cultivate to progress to Buddhahood.

Free of Charge
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