“If our way of life is the lamrim, if our philosophy is the lamrim, if our faith is the lamrim, then this decision must be taken, the decision to fi
February 15, 2016Master Atiśa is perhaps revered most in Tibetan Buddhism for his genius in distilling the essence of the teachings of the Buddha into the framework o
February 13, 2016"KADAMPA" merujuk pada sebuah cakupan luas praktisi Buddhis Tibet yang memiliki kesamaan dalam hal preferensi khusus pada sosok dan ajaran-ajaran dari
February 12, 2016Kata Pengantar His Holiness Dalai Lama Buku kecil hasil karya fotografer Indonesia Rio Helmi, yang sudah bertahun-tahun mempraktikkan Buddhisme Tibet
February 9, 2016Di bawah kerindangan pohon di taman berbunga dari hotel, seorang perempuan berambut coklat duduk di atas bangku dan sedang membaca. Ia bertanya dengan
February 8, 2016The great Lord Atisha possesses the full accomplishment of the three higher trainings: discipline (sila), serenity (samadhi), and wisdom (prajna).
February 7, 2016