“Manusia tidak berhak mencabut nyawa makhluk lain apalagi sesama manusia. Tindakan mengambil nyawa lain atas nama Tuhan itu tidak dibenarkan karena manusia itu bukan Tuhan yang berhak mengambil keputusan demikian. Ini berlaku juga untuk berbagai aksi teroris.
Dan terkait tragedi Orlando di Amerika, LGBT toh manusia juga dan mereka juga memiliki hak atas hidupnya dan tidak menginginkan penderitaan. Bahkan sebenarnya tidak ada satu makhluk pun di alam semesta ini yang menginginkan penderitaan apalagi kematian. Semua tindakan baik maupun buruk akan mengakibatkan hasil sesuai hukum sebab akibat.
Semoga semua penderitaan terhapuskan dari muka bumi ini. Semoga semua makhluk memperoleh kebahagiaan dan sebab – sebab kebahagiaan tersebut. Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitata.”
– Biksu Bhadraruci, Sekretaris Jenderal Konferensi Agung Sangha Indonesia –
Happiness Belongs to All Sentient Being (Ven. Bhadra Ruci’s Concern on the Orlando Case)
People do not have the rights to take the lives of other sentient beings, let alone the lives of human beings. The action of taking other sentient beings’ lives in the name of God is unjustified because human beings are not God with the right to take such decision. This applies to all the different kinds of terrorism.
Regarding the tragedy in Orlando in the US, the LGBT people are human beings who have the rights on their own lives and they certainly do not wish for suffering. In fact, not even one single living being in this universe who ask for suffering, even more so the suffering of death. Every single action, be it good or bad, will bear the corresponding results, based on the principle of cause and effect.
May all kinds of sufferings be diminished from the surface of earth. May all beings obtain happiness and the causes of happiness. Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitata.
– Bhadraruci, monk, General Secretary for Konferensi Agung Sangha Indonesia (The Indonesian Sangha Members Noble Conference)