Dagpo Rinpoche’s Long Life Offering in Holland, France & Indonesia

  • December 1, 2015

Dear friends,

As you know the teachings of Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche planned this winter have been cancelled due to his health problems. Consequently the programs of the different centers in France and abroad have been rescheduled.

We thank all of you and especially all centers, who had to change so suddenly their programs and organized prayers, ceremonies and study groups…

Concerning this Kyabje Rinpoche has recently indicated that amongst all the activities that we can realize for his Long Life, most important is to study in order to master our mind and become independent. We remind you also that several times, during the General Assemblies of the Institutes, Rinpoche has advised us, while looking at the long list of all the different activities, that we should not do more but do better…

With the aim that we can rejoice and participate mentally (or more) here are some activities that are being dedicated particularly to the Long Life of our Precious Master:

  • in Holland, a ceremony of 1 000 offerings to Tara has been organized last weekend, November 28 and 29
  • in the Drôme (France), December 4, 5 and 6, Open House with video conferences and a sand Mandala being made by the monks of Sera monastery
  • in Nantes (France), December 5, Open House – Christmas sale with video conferences, December 6 monthly session with study, reflection and meditation
  • in Bandung (Indonesia), the retreat that initially had been planned with Kyabje Rinpoche the end of December has been replaced by a Pray for Rinpoche retreat while everybody can participate in the production of 100.000 Stupas (see photos) and the offerings of 10 million lights. (The production of the Stupas has started already some time ago after the advice of the oracle in Dagpo Dratsang two years ago. At the moment around 4000 Stupas have been produced).
  • in Bali, a new retreat centre is being built (and should have been inaugurated by Kyabje Rinpoche in January 2016…). The organizers give the opportunity to participate in the invitation of a Buddha Shakyamuni statue, two big thangkas and some furniture for Rinpoche’s room and the temple (including a wooden altar).

With warm regards,

Sandrine Gerbaud, secrétaire de l’Institut Guépèle, en collaboration avec l’Institut Ganden Ling, l’Institut bouddhiste du Lamrim et Entraide Franco-Tibétaine

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Mahapranidhana Puja 2 (Bandung)



100.000 Tsa-tsa Stupa Project (Bandung)










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